Modenas Elegan - 32K KM - Still kickin!!

Meet my Modenas Elegan 150cc (Sym Joyride) on its forthcoming birthday by 6 June 2012. 3 years old now and it serves me with smile - mostly and generally :).  Bought after very careful thought, some kind of "research" and wife approval on rear-seat-test, all stigma about scooter proved wrong. Things like these:

  • Belt cepat putus lah (Belt snapping)
  • Maintainance mahal lah (Costly maintainance)
  • Spare parts mahal lah
  • Xleh jalan jauh lah
  • Enjin manja lah
Belting? So far i have changed just 2 times. Roller set also twice and front pulley once. Using EO from Maxoil Ultra Semi and Modenas/Yamalube gear oil.  Serviced by Amir Sg Chua and he proved to be an "Elegan Maestro". Advice like "boleh pakai lagi ni...sempat lagi 2-3 ribu KM" has keep my wallet always half full hehehe. 

Riding it:
I am a cubcai rider before this and my very first thought when pulling Mrs Elegan is that all my expertise on cubcai is useless. How the engine, CVT, brake and the most important things is that how this scooter behaves in corners are different.

When i first put the gas on, its quite hard to balance hahaha..i swayed left and right to keep its straight and steady.  In corners, no confidence at all. I dont know how to keep this baby calm. I felt like there is no connection between front end and rear. I dare not to corner more than 80kmh. Not to mentioned the suspension - its soft. Shit, this bike really challenged me the same as Ducati GP11 did to Mr. Rossi (congrats on 2nd podium at Le Mans Mr. Valle)

I have to learn dis bike and learned i did for 1 month. As unsprung weight is commonly too much for this scooter and weak chassis so i have found the solution in making this baby more civilized in corner. The trick is to use my own feet to create a "temporary fake chasis" to link between front and rear section of this scooter. So, just pressed it hard either left or right foot depending on corners you want to take right on floor board or foot rest. 

By using this method plus a physical effort, Elegan became tamer, calmer and surprisingly behave well in fast speed corners like one after Silk Tol Simpang Balak/Bukit Dukung heading towards Cheras Batu 11. Now at 110kmh felt easy and inspiring confidence. Well, Duro tyres also helps a lot. The bike still dance, but more composed.

Fuel Consumption:
Well, i am a "fast" rider to my own standard. Seldom im doing numbers less than 100kmh. So, a RM10 or 5 liters or so, can give me 120-130KM.  Now, trying 90kmh can give me surprisingly more mileage.

Top Speed:
Elley gives me around 120-130kmh. When she is happy and good mood, she throws me 140kmh at needle. Bear in mind also that its speed is almost same as car speed. Quite accurate. 125Z told me he is chasing me at 160kmh but mine was just 140kmh.

My wife said its comfy but a taller pillion seat makes her head above my head. So, pillion should have full face helmet as standard. Actually, SYM GTS 200 also in my list before purchasing Elley. So, i asked my wife to test the ergonomic of pillion and she chose Elley as its more comfortable.

Nice glowing at night and its gives you all the essentials like odo, trip, fuel in bar type, analogue kmh and rpm plus a digital clock. The analogue number background glows blue at night.

Front lights now using OSRAM bulb and waulawei its really bright and on par with car.

Using Kayaba as standard and still using the standard shock, i just adjusted the pre-load to the hardest. Its due for replacement coz she dances more than couples in So You Think You Can Dance but i still can live with it.

Well behaved front-floating-brake. Initial bite is quite strong too. Rear is also disc brake, i wish i could had same like Elegan 200 with 2 rotors. Overall its enough for its weight and to ordinary rider like me.

So, that is all about my Ms.Elley. A fine, do-it-all scooter. Worth every penny on her!!!  I give her 4.5 out of 5.


  1. Hi, mind to share what rollers are used on your Elley. I just bought a used 2010 Elley150, changed to 14g rollers due to jerking problem (I had no idea what is the standard roller grammage) and topspeed is affected but pickup is very very ummpph. Could it be the rollers are lighter? (I thought 14g rollers are on the heavier side).

    1. Hi there. Mine just standard SYM issue but i forgot the weight. i think lighter rollers may give pick up but lesser top speed. i had experience where im using local front pulley (change at a very reputable bike company in Kajang) and after that i need to rev higher rpm to be at normal speed as compared to using standard pulley.

      For your information, setting plays very important role in maintaining Elley engine performance. As usual Amir Sg Chua do his wonders in returning my Elley to its original setting. Amir says mechanic could set the setting in order to make your engine ruined faster (more business) or simply plug it to healthy normal heart rate. I believed its true based on what had happened to my Elley. Lucky the belt did not snap but front pulley are out of its place.

      So it is truly important to have our scoot maintained by a right mechanic - honest one of course.

  2. bro..baru2 ni aku bli elegan aku xda manual dh la..aku try carik manual cmne nk servis, part2 enjin, tp payah gak la nk jumpa kt intenet ni..aku nk mntak tolong ko la..bleh x gtw aku jadual2 servis ko, bnda pa yg ko servis..mekaseh..:)

    1. tahniah dh jadi Elegeners. maintain senang je.EO (engine oil) tukar 1500 ~ 2000KM. Oil filter tukar bila masuk kali kedua tukar EO. Cukup 12000~14000KM cek belting, roller, pulley depan/blkang, radiator/expansion tank level & diafram crburetor. Plug sy tukar every 10000 KM. Itu je maintainance stakat ni. mmg berbaloi dgn kesedapan membawanya walo spare parts mahal skit. kalo duk di kaang bleh cari sifu amir pomen utk jaga elegan bro.

    2. x la byk sgt kn..slalu kos skali mntenance RM brapa?

    3. Kos EO utk semi-syn Maxoil dlm 35 kalu x silap. Tapi saya baru try Repsol Semi syn dlm RM32 dan baguz juga. Auto gear oil dlm RM8 Yamalube. Belting dah naik harga around 120. Tayar pun dah naik harga RM110. Saya pakai tayar Duro depan dan belakang. Depan tahan setahun lebih, belakang dlm 6-8 bulan bergantung kpd mileage. Pulley belakang risau sikit sebab mahal juga around 400++. Tapi benda ni susah nak rosak sbb saya yg cara bawak ganaz ni pun masih ok lagi walau masuk 3 tahun dah. Effect pulley belakang kalu dah x berapa sedap hanya hilang pikap sikit saje. Tapi top speed masih boleh dapat lagi. Kalau nak kira berbaloilah kalau kena tukar sekalipun sbb kalu dibahagi RM450 dgn 4 tahun pakai, setahun kos cuma rm112. So, make sure setiap tahun save RM100 kurang2 utk prepare tukar pulley belakang ni.

  3. owh..ok..terima kasih atas informasi yg sgt berguna..saya bdak baru g part2 elegan ni..mekaseh bro :)

  4. You are most welcome my friend. Yg penting juga adalah utk guna parts ori specially bagi CVT. Enjoy your ride k.

  5. Thanks a lot for the informative sharing bro :) saya mmg mencari2 panduan penjagaan elegan ni... Alhamdulillah berjumpa dengan blog ni... Sedikit sebanyak saya dah dapat gambaran secara menyeluruh tentang kos penyelenggaraan dan masanya :)

  6. Sama2 Walikard. Time sy nak beli elegan dulu jenuh jugak kaji kat forum Autoworld. so, niat saya buat blog ni utk memudahkn rakan2 buat rujukan & panduan sbelum memiliki apa2 brand skuter sekalipun. Saya akan buat full review utk evaluation Elegan sy sempena 40K mileage soon :) .

    1. Terbaik bro... Dinantikan dengan sabar dan keterujaan :)

  7. SALAM, hye bro, saya baru angkat Black elegan 150 2007, milege hampir 30k, cash kedai (second 1 owner). Nak tanya macam mana bro boleh dapat buat bro punya Elley cecah 140km/j (rapat meter)...Pully semua standard ke? then, try henjut sampai rapat meter?? sebab bila elegan naik highway dalam keadaan laju, driver2 kereta semua memandang...hehehe

  8. Welcome to the world of Skuter. Tahniah sbb dah jadi salah soran Elegeners.

    Pulley mmg standard dan lain2 barang juga standard kentang kilang. Elley ni memang diakui kadang kala drebar kreta memandang bila kita ride rpm dlm 9-10K rpm melepasi mereka. Bagai dikatanya "biar betul Elegan ni....laju gak" hahaha.

    Kawan saya, Amad yg selalu long distance dgn Elley dia lagi kaw. Dapat lebih daripada 140kmh. Spt yg saya katakan dulu, rugi tak beli skuter ni sejak dulukala lagi.

    Enjoy your ride ya and be safe.

  9. Salam bro. Saya pon baru gak beli elegan 2nd hand la, sbb nak beli baru , bajet lari so 2nd hand terus beli cash. Motor tahun 2006. tapi mileage baru14k+ la, baru baru ni belt putus , dah tukar la nak tanya ape lagi nak kena tau pasal elegan ni, lagi satu , bila nak start jalan lepas pulas minyak tayar belakang rasa bergegar lepas tu baru ok. ape sebab jadi camtu, masa beli tu buat servis biasa je la.

    1. Bro Amirul,

      Tahniah sbb baru dpt Elegan yang mileage 14K. Cuba cek sistem CVT dan bearing rim. Jika ada di sekitar Kajang, Bangi/Cheras, boleh juga bawa jumpa Amir Pomen utk further checkup.

      Saya baru tukar valve sebatang sebab dah bengkok he3. Skang baru timing lekat.

  10. Salam bro...bole bagi alamat kedai amir pomen tu? elegan saya baru je xcident...huhu..nk claim insuran la. spare part mahal...mampu nk repai sendiri. moto ok x rosakpon..tapi body cover pecah laaa...tolonggggg !


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