My Life - Ep. No. 1

It was yesterday that i finally realized something. Yes, this would not be a usual motor talk. It is something to do with my Life.

Biking is great and i would be lying to myself if i decided to hang off my gears. Who can truly resist the sound of a bike? A thumper single, a grunty v-twin, the sexy melodic of triples and the hungry 4'inline.  Tell that to your ears. It will shuffle for that sound for sure and you will ignore your romantic chat with your loved one.

There is inherent danger in biking. True. Accident? I prefer to use the term RISK! The equation is very simple. The higher the speed, the higher the risk. The accident or Risk is a Dependent Variable. The Independent Variable are many. Speed, road conditions, animal, stupid rider/driver, weather, experience and other factors that you could think of. For me, I will focus on SPEED.

Generally, the bigger your power, the FASTER you will be. Thus the RISKIER you are to accident (or other bad things). We as a rider need to know this fact be it a seasonal rider or even to Marquez himself.  The consequences to the HIGHER RISK is no doubt accident which leads to injury or simply DEATH.

So, my readers. You choose which and what kind of risk would you willing to take. Take that usual hairpin at 80 or 180kmh would yield in different scenario entirely should you fall.

For myself, i know what type of rider i am. Even how aggressive i would be.

I got to stop now. Its Subuh prayer time. Lets perform solat first more than anything. It is the utmost question that you will be asked in the afterworld.


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